The Complete Star Wars Wiki

67 BBY[]


Darth Tenebrous and his apprentice Darth Plaguies had just arrived on Bal'demnic to examine the world's cortosis



supply. Cortosis has been known to have natural lightsaber resistance. Unfortunately during the examination a mining probe droid uncovers a couple pieces of explosive lethane. Darth Tenebrous and Plagueis tried to run back the ship, but the explosion occured first. Tenebrous used the force to protect himself and Plagueis from the explosion. Once Plagueis saw Tenebrous was weary he picked up the remaining debris using the force and made it pummel into Tenebrous. He tried too make it look as natural as possible, but Plagueis couldn't resist telling him that he arranged Tenebrous's death. Tenebrous mocks him because the ship was broken in the wreckage. Plagueis then has to find other means of travel. Once he sees a nearby starship he decides to stow away on board.

Woebegone/ Muunilist[]

Once Plagueis stowed away on board the Woebegone he killed the pilot and all the other crew members. He then returns to Muunilist, him being a Muun, taking along the ship's pilot droid 11-4D. His identity with the public was Hego Damask, CEO of Damask Holdings. On Sojourn, one of the planet's moons, he met with representatives of Subtext Mining Corporation (Who supplied



the faulty probe droid on Bal'demnic). He threatened their lives and in response they tell him about a deposit of plasma located under the Naboo. Plagueis spares their lives and has them relocated to a remote world in the Tingel Arm Sector.
